Thetatraderz course

*Still in progress*

The thetatraderz course consists of the definition of options, why sell options, strategies and my thoughts on how to setup and manage trades. Each topic will include a video and a google doc with questions to answer (dont worry I leave a timestamp when I answer the question!) This course is available to thetatraderz members as part of the inner circle. You will receive the password for all the videos in the discord. If interested in joining go to and join in an annual or lifetime membership. To find each topic go to the bottom of this website, under categories click on course, then click on the # video.

Here are the topics, they are meant to be done in order but feel free to do them in whatever order you like.

  1. What are options?
  2. What is a call?
  3. What is a put?
  4. Benefits to options over stocks
  5. What does it mean when you buy a call or put?
  6. What does it mean when you sell a call or put?
  7. Pros and cons to buying and selling calls and puts
  8. Delta
  9. Theta
  10. Gamma
  11. Itm, ATM, otm and decay
  12. Intrinsic and extrinsic value
  13. Open interest, volume, bid ask spread and opex
  14. Why sell options to earn consistent income?
  15. Ways to sell options: cash secured puts, covered calls, spreads
  16. Cash secured puts
  17. Covered Calls
  18. Wheel strategy
  19. Credit spreads
  20. Iron Condors
  21. Strangles
  22. What I look for in the greeks and technical analysis when selling options (a few videos on this)
  23. Selling 0 DTE strategy
  24. Selling longer dated cash secured put strategy
  25. Selling credit spread strategy.
  26. Selling long dated iron condor strategy.
  27. Selling options on futures
  28. Selling low delta naked puts/strangles on futures strategy
  29. Selling covered strangles on futures strategy
  30. Managing cash secured puts
  31. Managing credit spreads
  32. Managing iron condors
  33. Using Roth IRA’s selling options
  34. Portfolio allocation considerations
  35. Calculating ROI
  36. Delta hedging
  37. Advanced strategy #1 Poor man covered calls
  38. Advanced strategy #2 Dividend capture via covered calls
  39. Advanced strategy #3 Naked puts and strangles on stocks and futures
  40. Advanced strategy #4 How to hedge as insurance
  41. Conclusion


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